You Are Invited To Discover The Newest Treatment Against The Most Underrated Sign Of Skin Ageing At An Exclusive Event At Eudelo

Thursday, December 6th
At 6:30 – 9:00pm


After a glorious summer (for once!) with lots of sunshine, it’s sadly now time to face the down-side of all that loveliness. And there is one issue in particular which has a major impact on how well you and your skin look.  

In fact this issue is becoming such a problem – we’ve coined it “the new wrinkles”, as it is a very significant, yet often overlooked problem that makes your skin not only look older, but also unhealthier than it should.

You see, most people think lines and wrinkles are the ultimate sign of skin decline and will try everything to soften these supposed tell-tale signs.

The problem however, is if the underlying skin looks patchy, uneven and plain unhealthy, there’s no point in even trying to improve lines and wrinkles.

What am I talking about here?


…irregular pigmentation

There’s been a lot of research in the area of skin pigmentation, and there have been some surprising findings.

In fact, it’s been irrevocably proven in scientific studies that irregular pigmentation makes you look older. These studies have confirmed that we can accurately guess someone’s age just by looking at an image of their skin surface. We don’t need to see their, face, hair, figure or anything else!

The less even the skin tone, the older the subject is judged to be.

Other Studies have revealed that uneven pigmentation even leads people to being judged as more unhealthy. And this is consistent across cultures.

It is therefore unfortunate that way too many therapists and practitioners are still focused on getting rid of wrinkles, and aren’t paying nearly enough attention to what’s really making you look older and unwell — irregular pigmentation.

And even if they appreciate the importance of an even skin colour, they often aren’t familiar with the different forms of irregular pigmentation and more importantly, how to treat these different types correctly!  

Because what may be a great treatment for one type of pigmentation, can actually be wholly unsuitable for another.

Let me give you an example – if you treat the wrong kind of pigmentation with a laser or IPL light, you may initially see a great improvement, only to be faced with utter despair when a few weeks or months later, your pigmentation ‘rebounds’ and ends up looking worse than it ever did before!

Imagine the agony.

I see patients in the clinic every week, who experienced exactly that from treatments elsewhere, and I really feel for them.

That’s why it’s so very important to understand the true scientific facts about pigmentation problems, especially since it’s something you will hear a lot of half-truths, myths and plain misinformation about in the mainstream media.

In my experience, many practitioners don’t even know how to diagnose and treat it correctly. So how on earth is a layperson then supposed to make that decision? That’s a real issue.

However, the good news is that there are highly effective treatments available now, to greatly improve not only irregular pigmentation, but also soften lines and wrinkles, improve pore size and even skin texture at the same time!

It’s just unfortunate that not many people know about these.

So we have decided to take matters into our own hands at Eudelo and run a special one-time only event to talk about this increasingly important problem and what can be done about it.

That way, you can choose for yourself the best option towards flawless, glowing, luminescent skin.

Imagine not having to wear make-up, if you don’t feel like it!

Imagine stepping out of bed, looking into the mirror and being proud of your amazing skin.

We really want to help as many people as possible to try and achieve this, so you are cordially invited to a very special Eudelo event, that we call:


Thursday, December 6th At 6:30 – 9:00pm

Claim Your Place Now

(Yes, I know your English teacher would cringe at the grammar – but the issue of pigmentation is so
important for many people, we really want to hammer this home.)


If you suffer from:

  • Blotchy brown spots of whatever shape
  • Age spots or ‘liver spots’
  • Old marks from acne, past rashes or previous treatments
  • A number of different tones or colours on your face
  • Any discolouration of the skin that requires you to put on make-up everyday!

…then you will understand what I am talking about.

Or you may have more subtle marks that you may not think are typical pigmentation spots, or simply feel your skin looks dull and lacklustre.

Think the opposite of “beautifully glowing skin” and “healthy even skin tone” and you know what I mean.

Not many people (and that includes aesthetic clinics and practitioners) are confident in distinguishing the different types of irregular pigmentation and know what treatment is best for which. As mentioned, certain treatments that work well for one type may make another type worse.

Sadly There Is No One-Size-Fits-All
Remedy To Skin Pigmentation

Claim Your Place Now

As places are limited, we just ask for a £10 (refundable) deposit, so that spaces are not blocked needlessly, which would prevent others from attending our complementary event. At the end of the night, we will personally give you back your deposit in cash.

Attending will entitle you to all of the above AND a special 10% discount available on treatments booked on the night of the event.

And as experiences are better shared, we would love to invite you to bring a friend with you. In our past events, we have noticed that the people who benefited most, were actually those who were completely new to the area. What an opportunity for your friend – I am looking forward to welcoming them personally.

This not-to-miss event is taking place from 6:30pm – 9:00pm on 6th December in our flagship clinic at 63 Bondway.

We all here at Eudelo look forward to seeing you there.

Your skin will thank you!

Dr Stefanie

Dermatologist and Medical Director at
Eudelo Dermatology & Skin Wellbeing

Claim Your Place Now