Improving Skin Surface & Texture
"In our clinic we use a variety of bio-stimulatory procedures to improve fine lines and crêpy skin, improve skin elasticity, soften acne scars and shrink pores"

Skin Surface & Texture Treatments
Apart from wrinkles and facial contours, the third 'column' of Aesthetic Dermatology aims to improve your skin surface and texture. Achieving an overall better 'skin quality' is equally as important as fixing lines and wrinkles to the overall appearance of your skin.
Laser Facials
This regenerative treatment offers amazing benefits, not least of which is zero downtime! We use a Q-Switched Nd-YAG technology (Neodymium YAG) also known as the ‘Hollywood Facelift’ or ‘Clear Lift 4D’ in the media. This laser emits short, yet enormously powerful bursts of light that reach underneath the skin’s surface. Here, the light causes a photo-acoustic effect to create microscopic punctures in the dermis, which stimulates collagen and also helps fragment unwanted pigmentation in the skin.
Another distinctive characteristic of this laser is its fractional pattern, which means the laser beam creates microscopic ‘columns’ of skin regeneration, leaving untouched areas between the laser beams. This greatly lowers the risks of treatment, such as scarring.
This laser technology is non-ablative, meaning it leaves the skin surface entirely intact. The treatments leads to regeneration selectively in the deep backbone of our skin, the dermis, exactly where we need it for real anti-ageing benefits. Inducing controlled, microscopically small dermal wounds without injuring the overlying epidermis causes all stages of healing response and skin repair to happen beneath the unharmed skin’s surface – which means no downtime.
Our laser’s mechanism of action is somewhat similar to medical needling, but with the amazing difference that the thousands of micro-wounds and healing responses do not even touch, let alone puncture, the skin’s surface. This of course, makes this type of laser facial a true ‘lunchtime procedure’. And, as pigment isn’t its primary chromophore (molecular target) as it is for certain types of lasers, it’s safe for all skin types including dark skin. That’s because this laser gently shatters the unwanted pigment with shock waves, unlike conventional pigment lasers that are attracted by and heat up pigment specifically.
Best of all, it’s 100% painless, even without numbing cream. A course of six treatments at two week intervals will give the best results.

Carboxy Facials
Carboxytherapy is another bio-stimulative treatment where we use your own skin’s ingenious ability to self-repair and renew to full advantage. As we get older, our capillaries (tiny blood vessels) and microcirculation in the skin greatly decline. It’s been reported that by the time we’re 30, oxygen levels in our skin have dropped by 25%, and further to a massive 50% by the age of 40. This is devastating for long-term skin health and wellbeing. Carboxy Facials boost our skin’s microcirculation, letting more oxygen and nutrients reach the skin to support skin regeneration with collagen and elastin remodelling and thus help offset a highly significant aspect of skin-ageing (and an often ignored one at that!).
Carboxytherapy works through the injection of tiny amounts of medical grade carbon dioxide (CO2) gas into the skin using a specialist device and a very fine needle. Eudelo’s Carboxy Facials are done after application of an effective numbing cream. The superficial injections essentially trick the skin into thinking it’s oxygen-starved, so it responds by dilating blood vessels and increasing blood flow to the area swiftly and powerfully. This increased circulation provides a surge of oxygen and other nutrients to the area treated for several hours.
In addition to the instant circulation boost, the temporary ‘oxygen starvation’ induced by carboxytherapy triggers the release of growth factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) which stimulates the production of new blood vessels (capillaries). These newly formed vessels, plus re-opened capillaries that had become dormant with ageing, assure improved microcirculation in the area long-term.
The Eudelo technique for Carboxy Facials is very different from standard forms of carboxytherapy, which we believe is one of the reasons for our superior results.
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Cryostimulation uses the thermal shock of a cold temperature to bio-stimulate the skin. The thermal shock stimulates fibroblasts into producing more collagen and elastin, and also improves the oxygen supply to our skin, while leaving cells undamaged.
During the treatment, the skin is cooled down to about 5 degrees Celsius. Please note that a skin temperature of 5 degrees Celsius is very different from an air temperature of 5 degrees Celsius (people always ask, “would I not get the same effect in winter?”). In fact, to reach the target skin temperature of 5 degrees Celsius, we use a cold stream of –78 degrees Celsius (CO2) or –196 degrees Celsius (N2)! Once you have experienced cryostimulation, you know it’s very, very different from simple winter air… Pressurized CO2 gas devices add a further dimension to the procedure, pressure at 50 bar, which boosts lymphatic drainage and thermal shock effects, and makes the experience even more intense.
Cryostimulation helps slow the deterioration of the blood and oxygen supply to the skin, that comes with age, by improving the efficiency of our skin’s blood vessel network. During treatment, blood vessels contract and dilate which instantaneously boosts microcirculation to the skin for several hours after treatment and gives the network a strengthening ‘workout’, similar to training our muscles.
Regular sessions improve local blood flow in our skin more long-term. With time the resulting higher pressure on the thin capillary walls will cause microvascular networks to branch out in order to accommodate the increased volume of blood circulation. That means that our skin’s microcirculation, oxygen and nutrient supply will fundamentally improve. Additional benefits of the treatment are that it improves lymphatic drainage and triggers the release of endorphins, our natural ‘happiness hormone’.
Make sure your cryostimulation is done with a device that continuously measures your skin temperature (contact-less) during treatment. The skin needs it to be cold enough to trigger biological changes, but not so cold that it damages the tissue.
Improving Facial Redness and Broken Vessels
We are able to treat many forms facial redness (erythema) and broken vessels (teleangiectasias) using Laser and IPL technology. A laser is essentially a high-energy beam of light with unique properties. Laser light consists of photons (light particles) all of which have the same wavelength. IPL light differs in that it emits a broader spectrum of light with multiple wavelengths.
Different wavelengths are absorbed preferentially by certain target structures in the skin (also referred to as chromophores). So, lasers and IPL devices can be used to specifically target certain chromophores. When treating skin redness and broken vessels, we use a device that targets haemoglobin (the red colour in erythrocytes, or red blood cells).
One of the very common chronic skin conditions that often appears with facial redness and thread veins is rosacea. The vascular aspect of rosacea tends to respond very well to laser and IPL treatment. However, if you also suffer with rosacea related breakouts, these need to be cleared by a dermatologist first!
Worried About facial redness?
Skin boosters
Bio-revitalisation with hyaluronic acid (HA skin boosters) is a great treatment for improving skin texture and hydration and putting a lovely bit of plumpness back into the skin. It is particularly suitable for finer lines, crisscross lines, crinkling of the skin and overall loss of elasticity, for example on the cheeks. It’s a very popular treatment at Eudelo and our patients love skin boosters for their natural appearance.
Here at Eudelo, we use a range of different skin boosters, depending on the individual’s skin, because not every skin is the same and has different needs. Scientific studies have proven that skin boosters can not only enhance the visible appearance of the skin, but also improve its elasticity. The treatment also has the ability to induce your skin's own collagen production, has antioxidant effects and deeply hydrates the skin. Certain skin boosters may be referred to as ‘injectable moisturiser’ in the press.
Revitalisation with skin boosters is done as a course of two to six sessions (depending on the skin’s needs) at two-to-four-week intervals.
We also often use skin boosters with great results in the under-eye area, to gently plump the lips (‘Lip Feather Smoothie’), on the neck, the decolletage and the hands.

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Medical Needling
('Collagen Induction Therapy')
Medical needling is a wonderful, completely natural anti-ageing treatment that 'helps the skin to help itself'. Instead of injecting any substances into the skin, this treatment only involves an advanced automatic needle pen ('DermaPen') or a needle roller ('DermaRoller'), which is equipped with sterile, ultra-fine needles.
Medical needling mechanically mimics the effects of fractionated laser technologies by creating microscopically small punctures in the dermis, where our collagen and elastin live. This intentional mini-injury induces thousands of tiny, controlled wound-healing responses in this deep layer of the skin. Consequently, growth factors are released, and fibroblasts are stimulated into synthesizing new skin matrix such as collagen. In time, this will lead to a firmer, more elastic skin with more refined skin surface.
As we get older, our skin gets 'lazy' and collagen production slows down. With medical needling, we give the skin a gentle nudge to remind it to keep making fresh collagen – bio-stimulation in its true sense.
The great thing about medical needling is that we can induce effects in the deeper layer of the skin (the dermis) without having to fully strip the protective outer layer (the epidermis). Why is it so important to stimulate the dermis? The dermis is the 'backbone' of the skin - the layer of collagen-containing connective tissue where the most prominent skin ageing processes take place.
Medical needling also helps with enlarged pores and acne scarring (or chicken pox scarring). But remember: any active acne has to be cleared before acne scarring treatment can be started!
As with any regenerative treatment, medical needling is not a single treatment, but has to be done in a course of three to six sessions at four-to-eight-week intervals. The procedure is performed after application of an effective numbing cream for pain prevention.
For even better results, medical needling can be combined with an infusion of high-potency growth factors (for anti-ageing purposes), mesotherapy (for skin revitalisation) or a skin lightening solution (to tackle irregular pigmentation), see below.
You may have heard of needle-rollers for use at home. The high quality, sterile micro-needles that we use in clinic go much deeper (1.5 - 3mm needle length in clinic, versus 0.2 - at home). Not surprisingly, they're much more effective than home rollers in all respects. In fact, home rollers don’t actually reach the collagen containing dermis (if they do, you would see this as bleeding). However, home rollers can enhance penetration of topically applied skincare, so can have a role to play there.
Advanced forms of medical needling
In order to further enhance the benefits of medical needling, we recommend combining the procedure with infusion of a booster solution. Depending on the aim, this may be a cocktail of vitamins and minerals (‘Meso Needling’ for skin revitalisation), a pigment-inhibiting solution (‘Bright Needling’ to lighten irregular pigmentation), or a high-grade growth factor solution (‘GP/PRP/Exo Needling’ for enhanced anti-ageing benefits).
For our Meso Needling treatment, we use a high-grade skin-nourishing blend containing a multitude of key skin optimization ingredients such as vitamins and minerals, in order to help protect and revitalise the skin.
If there is irregular pigmentation, then a course of Bright Needling can be performed, combining infusion of a pigment-inhibiting solution with the collagen stimulating effects of Medical Needling.
For GF/PRP/Exo Needling we infuse a potent mix of various growth factors to further boost collagen and elastin production. The growth factors can be derived from your own blood (PRP- and Exo Needling) or we use a commercially available growth factor solution (GF Needling), should you prefer this.
For PRP Needling (sometimes referred to as ‘Vampire or Dracula Facial’) a small blood sample is taken from the patient’s arm. We then isolate the fraction of the blood that is rich in platelets (platelet rich plasma). Platelets contain a high content of beneficial growth factors. Upon infusion into the skin via Medical Needling, the platelets release these growth factors, which trigger skin cells to proliferate and stimulate collagen and elastin production, thus helping to repair and regenerate damaged tissue.
Exo Needling can be seen as an advanced version of PRP Needling. Taking PRP to a whole new level, German Exokine technology transforms the patient’s blood into an
essence super-rich in a variety of different natural growth factors (‘home-grown’ and ‘personalised’ if you will), but also anti-inflammatory cytokines.
Exo Needling is the Rolls Royce of bio-stimulatory regenerative treatments and one of the most popular regenerative treatments at Eudelo, as it provides a natural way to rejuvenate skin, improve skin quality and slow down the ageing process on a cellular level.

PRP & Exo Injections
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Exokine solution (Exo) can not only be infused into the skin via Medical Needling, as discussed above, but alternatively can also injected with a fine needle. This allows to use a special layered injection method, which places the PRP/Exo not only into the superficial skin itself to encourage collagen and elastin production, but also, if appropriate, into deeper tissue layers, with the aim of slowing down age-related tissue loss here also.
PRP is considered a very natural treatment, as it uses the patient's own cells and growth factors to stimulate tissue repair, rather than injecting any synthetic substances.
PRP encourages the skin to build more collagen and elastin and thus renew and rejuvenate itself – true bio-stimulation. Following a course of PRP injections, your skin will gradually start to look more radiant and youthful. A PRP injection course consists of three to six treatment sessions in 2–4 week intervals.
As mentioned in the Medical Needling section, German technology Exokine can be seen as an advanced version of PRP, with higher levels of growth factors, plus antioxidant cytokines as an added benefit. The Exo solution we use at Eudelo delivers a much higher concentration of growth factors than PRP, as the patient’s blood is incubated for around six hours (in contrast, PRP is used straight away) prior to extracting the growth factors, which boosts levels significantly.
Unlike standard PRP, the Exo essence also includes a much wider variety of growth actors: this is achieved by not only harvesting growth factors from platelets, but from all the different types of cells in the patient’s blood. In addition, the Exo solution is completely cell-free, as all cells are removed from the growth factor solution prior to infusion. This is important, as certain types of cell contamination in the solution may cause an inflammatory response when injected into the skin. The Exo injection course consists of three to six treatment sessions in 2–4 week intervals.

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Mesotherapy is a classic bio-stimulatory treatment. It is a wonderful treatment to gently 'feed' your skin and help improve overall skin quality. After application of a numbing cream, a sterile cell-boosting cocktail is 'infused' into the skin with a series of tiny, superficial injections.
The high-grade skin-nourishing blend containing various skin optimization ingredients, ranging from vitamins and minerals to amino acids, hyaluronic acid, coenzymes, nucleic acid bases and antioxidants, proven to protect and stimulate skin cells. The exact choice of product is tailored to your skin’s needs on the day.
Mesotherapy is very popular in Continental Europe such as in France, Italy and Germany, but hasn't yet caught up in the UK. The treatment is suitable for the face, neck, chest and hands (men AND women). The great thing about Mesotherapy is that it can be used not only to nourish and correct mature skin, but also as a preventative measure in younger patients. The ultimate skin 'refresh'!
Mesotherapy is done as a course of four to six sessions (2-4 week intervals), before going on to a less intense maintenance treatment.

The Eudelo Soundlift
The Eudelo SoundLift is an amazing treatment package which can lift and tighten skin on the face, neck and chest. It stimulates collagen production and supports skin regeneration without any downtime.
The Eudelo SoundLift consists of a unique combination of facial anatomy mapping, a gentle preparatory energy skin peel, highly effective micro-focused ultrasound lifting with simultaneous ultrasound visualisation, and cryostimulation as pain relief. All these steps work in perfect concert and are uniquely tailored to meet the exact needs of your skin and comfort. As this treatment is regenerative and aims to stimulate collagen production, patients are also supplied with a box of a high-quality collagen supplement to optimise the regenerative outcome.
Prior to your session, we perform a gentle plasma peel to remove the excess horny layer of the skin and even the skin surface, ensuring that the ultrasound energy used in later stages of the treatment can penetrate your skin optimally. As an added benefit, this will also make the numbing cream work better. In addition, you will receive a refreshing cryostimulation treatment around the spine area to boost endorphin release as a natural adjunct analgesic.
During the diagnostic part of the session, our highly trained expert will then map your SMAS layer (connective tissue surrounding certain facial muscles) using ultrasound visualisation, so that we can tailor the treatment to exactly fit your individual facial anatomy (everybody is different!). Once the scanning is complete, the centre piece of treatment will be performed. Using the Gold-Standard Ultherapy® device, your therapist directs micro-focused ultrasound into two very specific facial layers, the SMAS layer and the collagen containing dermis, in order to tighten and lift the skin.
The technology in general is also sometimes referred to as MFU (micro-focused ultrasound) or HIFU (high-intensity focused ultrasound). However, the Ultherapy® device is the only technology that continuously visualises the anatomical layers of the skin during treatment, ensuring the focused ultrasound energy is delivered to exactly the correct depth, which is of course crucial. Remember, everybody is different and treating with an ultrasound device that does not allow simultaneous visualisation is careless in our opinion. It’s also shocking to see that some clinics market their MFU/HIFU treatment as Ultherapy® despite using a cheaper copycat device without visualisation. Rest assured that at Eudelo, we guarantee Ultherapy® technology.
E-Proteus is one of Eudelo’s most powerful skin anti-ageing treatments yet.
E-Proteus is ideal for those looking for a completely natural refresh and lift, with no risk of ending up looking ‘overdone’. Using a unique approach, we combine microneedling and radiofrequency and deliver this deep into the skin together with cryostimulation.
By delivering the radiofrequency via very fine needles into the deep layer of the skin, we can deliver its powerful stimulatory effect in a highly targeted way. E-Proteus’ radiofrequency is able to penetrate deeper into the skin than laser treatments, while downtime is minimised as the use of cryostimulation keeps the outer skin layer as cool as possible.
The benefits of applying cryostimulation just prior to the radiofrequency delivered by microneedle is what sets E-Proteus apart from many other radiofrequency needling devices. The skin surface is kept cool, while collagen is stimulated in the underlying dermis. The cooling leads to an improved benefit/safety ratio, by helping to confine the stimulatory effect to the dermis (where the heat is needed), rather than the more superficial epidermis, where it could lead to potential issues.
The treatment not only helps improve collagen production and skin elasticity, to reduce fine lines and skin texture, but also gently contours the face by lifting the skin and remodelling fat tissue under the skin in an individually tailored fashion. The term ‘proteus’ is derived from ‘protean', meaning ‘changeable in shape or form' and references the profound regenerative changes initiated in the skin by this groundbreaking treatment.
E-Proteus is an excellent treatment for improving skin elasticity, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, defining facial contours, and lifting and tightening the skin. This includes the lower face and jawline area. This revolutionary treatment can also help with skin health issues such as acne scarring, enlarged pores and stretch marks. E-Proteus is even suitable for the delicate eye area, improving under-eye bags, dark circles and fine lines around the eyes.
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4D RF Lift
THE 4D RF Lift uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to heat the dermis in order to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin without damaging the top layer.
This non-invasive technique is used for non-surgical skin tightening on both the face and body. As with any bio-stimulative treatments, the 4D RF Lift requires a course of several sessions, usually six, and will induce benefits gradually over time. Look at it like joining a skin gym – great results are rarely achieved in a single session.
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Skin Peels
Peels are very popular at Eudelo and have great result for skin texture and skin quality.
A skin peel can be a very effective way of softening fine lines and wrinkles, improving skin texture, minimising pigmentation and even reducing blackheads and whiteheads. However, peels do not only improve the appearance of the skin, but also its health, as a study found that chemical peels can help prevent skin cancer formation by removing sun-damaged cells (Abdel-Daim et al. 2010).
Skin peels exfoliate the skin, improving cell turnover and skin renewal as well as encouraging collagen and elastin formation. Ingredients such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid, azelaic acid, retinol, enzymes and many others can be used to achieve this.
In general, there are four strengths and depths of peels:
- Very superficial: Very mild home or salon peel to remove dead horn cells from the skin surface, no downtime.
- Superficial peels: The most commonly used type for improving overall complexion. With a course of superficial peels (affecting the upper epidermis), you’ll gradually achieve a more refined skin surface with a fresher, more vibrant skin tone and improved skin texture. No or very little downtime (skin flaking).
- Medium-depth peel: This peel, which is usually a single session, goes all the way down to the upper dermis and results are therefore much more pronounced, so great for more mature skin and visible sun damage. However, there is more downtime, so this needs to be scheduled carefully to fit around your social commitments.
- Deep peels such as phenol peels act on the deeper layers of the dermis. Deep peels aren’t for the faint hearted though - downtime is significant, with oozing and crusting, and risks are much higher than for all other types of peels. With the advent of modern lasers, deep peels are now used much less often due to their higher risk of complications such as post-inflammatory pigmentation and scarring.
Here at Eudelo we perform a wide range of different peels (superficial and medium-depth), depending on your skin’s needs and your preference with regards to downtime. During your complementary discovery consultation, we can talk you through all the different peel options and which one is best for you.
Plasma Energy Peel
We also offer an innovative plasma energy peel. Plasma is an increasingly popular technology used in aesthetic medicine. As you might know, plasma is the fourth state of matter in which electrons are stripped from atoms to form an ionized gas. High-temperature plasmas have been used in surgery for over two decades. However, it is now increasingly used as a non-surgical method to rejuvenate skin.
Plasma energy can be used to elicit a very controlled superficial peel without any pain or downtime, as the loosened skin cells are being evaporated by the plasma energy straight away, so there is no visible flaking afterwards.
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The Eudelo Melaout
For many, irregular pigmentation and dark spots are an unsightly skin condition that can often be resistant to many products and treatments Sadly, studies have revealed that people with irregular skin colouring are not only judged as looking older and less attractive by others, but even as less healthy.
Eudelo’s MelaOut is a highly effective peel package to dramatically lighten irregular pigmentation caused by chronic sun damage, post-inflammatory pigmentation (PIH) and/or melasma / chloasma (also known as the ‘Mask of Pregnancy’), even in dark skin types.
With Eudelo’s MelaOut, sufferers of irregular pigmentation benefit from a dermatologist-supervised combination treatment. The package consists of a pre- and post-treatment digital facial scan, consultation with a dermatologist as needed, a highly effective (medium-depth) one-off peel in clinic, cold sore and breakout protection as needed, specialist home care (included for the first four weeks), on-going expert advice and a nourishing post-peel treatment in clinic four weeks after the peel.
Eudelo’s MelaOut is not just a peel, but a peace of mind package!
And the great news is that the comprehensive treatment package will not only lighten irregular pigmentation but will also greatly improve the appearance of dull skin and give your skin a wonderful, healthy glow, as well as dramatically improving skin texture, enlarged pores and acne scarring as added benefits.
The treatment can be used on the face as well as other skin areas with discolouration such as the chest and the hands. We even offer a specialised version for intimate skin areas. And best of all – The Eudelo MelaOut is safe for all skin types from Caucasian to black skin.
The Eudelo MelaOut can be truly life-changing for sufferers of stubborn irregular pigmentation.

5 reasons to choose Eudelo for your cosmetic Treatment
- Specialist medical & aesthetic dermatology team
Our practitioners are highly trained and experienced in treating skin and hair concerns, with medical and aesthetic skin experts all under one roof. - Multi award-winning, CQC registered clinic
Proven track record of success, helping our patients feel happy in their skin with complete piece of mind. - 360° holistic care to support your skin’s wellbeing
We look at your skin in a holistic manner, combining different in-clinic treatments with evidence-based skincare and supplements for best long-term outcomes. - Natural results guarantee
Your aesthetic result will be 100% natural looking – nobody will ever know you accepted a helping hand. - Get started quickly
No wait - our practitioners can be booked often within the same week, and our online call booking service means you can take action today to start your journey.
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