Eudelo's Aesthetic Approach
Considering a cosmetic procedure? To achieve the best possible, low-risk results it's vital to choose the right clinic. We are proud that Eudelo is a Dermatologist led clinic. Dermatologists are in a unique position to combine expertise in cosmetic treatments with in-depth knowledge of skin biology and conditions. All Dermatologists have undergone rigorous training in their specialty and have been assessed by their country's medical examination boards.
In Continental Europe, where our lead Dermatologist Dr Stefanie trained, Cosmetic Dermatology has become an integrated part of General Dermatology, ensuring the highest quality and safety standards possible. Dr Stefanie has therefore brought in a sound Dermatologist's approach to our entire clinic, so you can be sure everything we do is Dermatologist-developed and approved.
Another great thing about choosing a Dermatologist led clinic for your cosmetic treatments is that whether your skin concerns are medical or aesthetic, you'll visit the same, one-stop clinic for them all.
The Eudelo Full Assessment
We believe the gold standard is to have a complete facial assessment and analysis with a Eudelo cosmetic doctor first and we will talk you through what that this entails. However, of course, if you want to see someone for an exploratory chat first, that is an excellent starting point, too, and we can offer you a complimentary discovery consultation with our Patient Consultant.
At your full assessment and analysis appointment, we first chat about your concerns and aspirations for your skin and appearance. The consultation should also include taking your medical history before your skin is examined.
We are a huge believer in putting our patients onto a medical couch properly and examining the skin both with the naked eye and a large, illuminated magnifying lamp. You just can’t get the same insights about a patient’s skin from across a desk. The close-up examination is also crucially important for checking chronic sun damage and ruling out common skin issues such as adult acne and/or rosacea, which may need prescription treatment before going ahead with aesthetic procedures.
If there are any lesions on your skin (such as moles, sun spots or overgrowing oil glands) we will examine them under a dermatoscope – a special magnifying lamp with cross-polarised light. A dermatoscope is the dermatologist’s favourite tool, as it makes features visible that the naked eye can’t see, for example the pigment net structure of a mole or the shape of tiny blood vessels in the skin. That way they can judge whether it’s a healthy mole or not, distinguish between an overgrowing oil gland and a basal cell skin cancer and various other things.
However, in addition to examining the skin close up, it’s also important to sit the patient up, step back and study the face from around a metre’s distance to gain an overall impression of the entire face. The overview is as critical as the detail. This is the ‘first impression’ everyday people will have of your face – their unconscious assessment of how attractive you are that takes only milliseconds. It’s important for the practitioner to take this overview with the patient sitting up or standing, so that the effects of gravity can be taken into account. This upright ‘gravity-included’ view can reveal very different insights compared to the ‘laid-back’ examination on the couch.
Your face will also be photographed in various views. You see, if your practitioner merely chucks a mirror into your hand and airily points out a few imperfections – that’s not a good sign! You can never see yourself objectively in the mirror because we a) automatically auto-edit what we see and b) we instantly hone in on those pesky little details that have bugged us for years. Apart from being able to see the bigger picture, a standardized ‘before’ photo-record will also allow you to appreciate the results of your procedure objectively.
Our full assessment also includes a digital skin surface scan and skin physiology analysis. A typical skin surface scan measures parameters such as cumulative sun damage (invisible to the naked eye), pore size, redness (caused by tiny broken blood vessels, for example), skin texture and visible pigmentation. Your results will be compared to a worldwide database (anonymously, of course) which ranks you within your peer group – that’s people of the same age, gender and skin type. This way we can find out whether your skin’s results are average for your age, or better or worse. You will even be able to find out exactly what percentage of your peer group’s skin is better or worse than yours in each of the measured parameters.
The next step is an in vivo analysis of different skin physiology parameters. Clever non-invasive measurement devices can objectively quantify parameters such as hydration, invisible water loss from the skin surface (ever wondered why your skin’s dry even though you drink plenty of water?), oil production, skin elasticity and surface pH. Your practitioner will explain the outcome of these tests and print a summary report for you to take home. These measurements help us determine your skin’s weaknesses and strengths and how best to support them. The results will also help us to put together your optimal skincare regime, which you will receive in writing.
If you wish, we can go on to discuss what further ‘helping hand’ your skin might benefit from such as Dermatology Grade Facials, regenerative treatments and/or corrective procedures. This might include rejuvenating procedures for your facial skin, but also other exposed skin areas such as the neck, chest and hands. Again you will receive a written copy of our suggestions, all neatly compiled in your personalized assessment folder to take home.
Another interesting test is to find out how your skin performs on a genetic level. This is not be part of our routine full assessment as it’s a highly advanced test, but is available as an add-on. At Eudelo, we work with a specialist lab abroad to offer genetic profiling for important skin-related genes.
You will also receive a copy (signed by the author, if desired) of Dr Stefanie’s revolutionary new book ‘Look Great, Not Done’.
A Holistic View
Non-surgical procedures that help you to look your best whatever your age are increasingly popular. They’re becoming more and more advanced and are able to accentuate your good features and hide the not so good ones.
Cosmetic Dermatology at Eudelo addresses all three key problem areas – i) Skin Quality & Skin Health; ii) Facial Volume & Contour; and iii) Lines, Wrinkles & Furrows. Dr Stefanie calls this ‘The 3-D Approach to Cosmetic Dermatology’ and she has published an article about this in a peer-reviewed, international journal.
However, there is also a 4th dimension to assessing the face and achieving genuinely balanced, natural looking results. It’s only when you examine the moving face that you can analyse the problem fully. So, as well as fixing lines and wrinkles, loss of volume and contours and skin quality and health, movement patterns should be taken into consideration. If you team those three key areas with an analysis of the face both at rest and in motion, you have a true 4-D approach to facial assessment.
The best aesthetic results are achieved by a holistic approach combining different treatment methods to address the whole face and all its three areas of skin ageing. When this has been done successfully by one of our experienced practitioners, you can get fantastic results without surgery.
We also know how important the appearance of your chest, neck and hands is to your total self-image and we can evaluate and treat these exposed skin areas, too. The confidence of knowing that you look your best has been shown in scientific studies to be a significant factor in improving self-esteem.
The ‘signature look’ we always aim for is natural, balanced and harmonious. People might comment on how good you look, or ask whether you’ve been on holiday rather than suspecting you may have had ‘something done.’
We are of course keen ambassadors of ‘Regenerative Aesthetic Dermatology’. This is an exciting new approach, where we are trying to ‘help the skin to help itself’, rather than simply ‘painting over the cracks’ or artificially changing your appearance. You can find out more about this by clicking on ‘Regenerative Dermatology’ in the left hand menu.
Aesthetic Dermatology Treatments
Explore the range of Aesthetic Dermatology treatments available at Eudelo.
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