I am proud to announce the publication of our first free Skin Care Report! “The Truth About Sun Protection”. This report exposes some of the most commonly believed myths as to how people should best look after their skin. Shockingly, most people are completely unaware of the huge role the sun plays in ageing their skin, when this occurs (e.g. also on cloudy days) and how to protect themselves (e.g. it’s not just a question of applying a high SPF sun cream).
Fortunately with a bit of knowledge it is possible to enjoy the sun and keep your skin looking young at the same time:
Download Free Sun Protection Report
Some facts you might not know:
Using the right sun protection is the easiest way to keep you skin looking young: Statistically speaking, your skin is very likely to be ageing at an unnecessarily accelerated rate as you read this. Rays from the sun responsible for skin ageing penetrate both clouds and glass, so sun-caused aging can happen even on a cloudy day.
Only certain sun protection creams protect you from ageing rays: It’s not simply a question of going down to your local beach resort and slapping on holiday sun screen. Many of these will not help, and are often sticky and oily as well. The latest formulations are soft, luxurious and can even replace your moisturiser
Not all tans will protect you: A common mis-conception is that having a tan will offer built in protection from the sun. Unfortunately this is only the case with some tans. This report will explain the how’s and why’s
Whether you have a medical skin condition which needs treatment or simply want to look your very best, our specialised dermatology team will help you achieve the very best result.