We all know that prevention is better than cure and it is of course true that the earlier you start using good skincare, including daily sun protection, the better the long-term outcome for your skin will be. I think most of you will agree with this and won’t even consider it news.
However, while starting to use good skin care early on as prevention is not controversial, there are a lot of misconceptions about aesthetic procedures and their value in a preventative regime. You might be surprised to hear that it’s actually very similar with aesthetic treatments. These non-surgical procedures can (and should) also be part of a preventative anti-ageing regime. My advice is, don’t leave it too late, as little ‘tweakments’ over a longer time period will get you the best results long-term.
Many women think that they should not start aesthetic treatments until they see more significant signs of ageing on their face, maybe only in their 50s or 60s, often fearing that if they start too early, the treatments will somehow loose effectiveness over time (or even worse, their face might end up looking worse than before they started, if they decide to stop treatments at some point).
Far from it! It’s the opposite actually. The chances of keeping your skin look its very best are much, much better, if you start early enough. And you would never end up worse than without having done them. Of course the types of treatments will be adjusted to your age (or let’s say your skin age for that matter…), but make sure you don’t miss the boat by waiting too long. The possibilities we have are so much better when starting early enough, say in your 30s. In that age, it will often only need tiny little ‘tweakments’ to press the pause button on ageing and thus make a huge difference over time.
A good starting point for everybody are regenerative treatments, which I recommend to my patients once per month (think of it like joining the ’Skin Gym’ to keep your skin fit long-term). Examples are regenerative Dermatology Grade Facials, plus occasional courses of mesotherapy, platelet rich plasma (PRP) or medical needling.
Whether you have a medical skin condition which needs treatment or simply want to look your very best, our specialised dermatology team will help you achieve the very best result.