Trend 1:
‘LESS IS MORE’ with regards to non-surgical treatments. A strong trend for 2016 is to have regular, on-going small ‘tweakments’ rather than overdoing it with drastic treatments. There are far too many overdone people walking around these days (and you can see many of them at professional aesthetic events…). As a rule of thumb you can say, if you can see they had something done, it’s been overdone.
The key is to make people look more attractive, which doesn’t necessarily mean to make them look younger! The aim should be to look your very best, whatever your age. Many practitioners misunderstand the goal of treatment and overtreat in a desperate attempt to make people look younger and younger (better to look old than weird, if you ask me…).
Trend 2:
Don’t treat the face or skin in isolation, but also implement a FuturApproved ANTI-AGEING LIFESTYLE. Everyday lifestyle choices have a major impact on how well not only our skin, but our entire body will age, so this is absolutely crucial to take into consideration. An anti-ageing lifestyle will become more mainstream in 2016.
We all want to age well, so my top tip is to try and moderate the eight age-accelerating ‘S’s:
1. Smoking
2. Sun exposure
3. Smog (i.e. pollution)
4. Shots (i.e. excess alcohol)
5. Stress
6. Sleep debt
7. Sugar
8. Starch (i.e. a low-fat, high starch diet. Don’t forget – starch just is one long string of sugar molecules!)
Trend 3:
Regenerative Aesthetic Dermatology. My insider tip to keep your skin in top shape for many decades to come is to go for regular regenerative treatments. These are non-surgical regenerative procedures support the skin in restoring and regenerating old and damaged tissue. The aim of these treatments is to not only make the skin look younger and more beautiful, but also slow down ageing processes on a cellular level.
Regenerative procedures such as Growth Factor Needling, Platelet Rich Plasma and Mesotherapy, are all about tissue regeneration and ‘helping the skin to help itself’ – true bio-stimulation!
You shouldn’t even have corrective procedures (i.e. ‘botox’ or fillers) if you are not also willing to commit to regular regenerative treatments. Regnerative treatments as the ‘GYM FOR YOUR SKIN’ is the third trend for 2016.
Whether you have a medical skin condition which needs treatment or simply want to look your very best, our specialised dermatology team will help you achieve the very best result.