As a dermatologist led skin clinic, we pride ourselves on state of the art skin analysis and thorough treatment planning.
On your first aesthetic appointment, one of our Aesthetic Doctors will have a chat with you about your concerns, wishes and hopes for your skin. They will then take a thorough medical history and examine your skin with a special magnifying lamp.
You will also have a digital skin analysis. Using a high-tech facial scanning device, we measure and analyse important surface parameters on your skin. These are skin texture, redness in the skin (for example caused by tiny broken blood vessels), invisible sun damage within the skin, pigmentation and pore size.
We will also measure important parameters of your skin physiology, including hydration, oil content, skin pH and elasticity. With all these measurements we can determine where your skin’s weaknesses and strengths lie and how to best support your skin to keep it looking its very best. We will explain the outcomes in detail and print summary reports for you to take home.
Based on our findings, we will go on to develop a bespoke aesthetic skin health plan for you. This will include personalized recommendations for your daily skincare regime at home as well as types of regenerative Dermatology Grade Facials of benefit for your skin. If wished, we will also suggest beneficial non-surgical aesthetic procedures to give your skin a little more of a helping hand. You will receive a written summary of all our recommendations to take away in your welcome folder.
Our first assessment appointment for aesthetic patients takes a full 90min. and is very comprehensive. We see this as the gold standard. This first analysis and planning appointment is of utmost importance and you will ultimately achieve a much better outcome for your skin long-term, compared to clinics with a more ‘wash n’ go’ approach, where you come in and are treated on the first day, without proper prior skin analysis.
There are many reputable aesthetic skin clinics in the country and I am sure you will find a good one near you, but wherever yo go, don’t expect less from your aesthetic assessment!
Whether you have a medical skin condition which needs treatment or simply want to look your very best, our specialised dermatology team will help you achieve the very best result.