There is a tsunami of hair loss happening right now in the UK, which can be truly devastating for the sufferer. Some forms of hair loss (particularly around the menopause) are so common they are seen as inevitable. But this should not just be accepted as this does not have to be the case.
What is hair loss caused by?
There are various forms of hair loss, which can either be diffuse or occur in patches. Hair loss may occur for a variety of reasons, including hormonal changes, stress, severe illness, or autoimmune conditions. With many other types as well, each responding to different treatments, it is essential to get your hair loss diagnosed first to find the most effective treatment. The most expert doctor to diagnose hair and scalp issues are Dermatologists.
At Eudelo Dermatology & Skin Wellbeing, a private, Dermatologist led clinic, we can achieve significant regrowth in the majority of hair loss sufferers, if done as we recommend. Treatment depends on the type and cause of hair loss, and we may even start with a genetic test to find out which type of treatment has the highest chance of success for you personally.
If you suffer with hair loss, you may be thinking along the lines of:
“I had much thicker hair in the past.”
“Every time I wash my hair, I get so upset seeing how much I am losing.”
“I used to be proud of my hair, but not any longer.”
“I feel very conscious about my thinning hair – I bet my friends are noticing.”
“I can see I am turning into my mother/father, my hair is thinning!”
“My scalp is much more visible now.”
If one of these sounds familiar to you, don’t waste any more time on worrying, but make sure to take action now, as there are a range of things that can be done to address hair loss.
What can be done?
At Eudelo, we have a 360-degree approach to treating hair loss and we understand that one size does not fit all. After expert diagnosis and where needed genetic testing, our treatment packages are tailored to each individual, addressing the issues from all angles. Treatments may include topical treatment such as prescription strength scalp tinctures, supplements, laser light, and in-clinic treatments such as Exokine or Exosome treatment, PRP (platelet rich plasma), mesotherapy or cryo-stimulation. We put together a symbiotic package that works in concert for each individual patient, because the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Look forward to reduced hair fall with denser, healthier, and shinier hair!
Even if you feel that your hair loss is not that bad now, it’s best to see an expert early to get diagnosed as early as possible, as certain auto-immune related forms of hair loss can be scarring, which means there is no reversing once the hair follicle has scarred over.
Book your discovery consultation today on 020 7118 9500 or reception@eudelo.com and our team will be able to help you from there.
Whether you have a medical skin condition which needs treatment or simply want to look your very best, our specialised dermatology team will help you achieve the very best result.