Sleep & skin questions for Dr Stefanie Williams

Q1: How important is a good night’s sleep for having great skin? A: A good night sleep is very important for when it comes to our skin. With increasingly hectic lifestyles, it is easy for us to become stressed through a lack of sleep, and stress can play a major part in our skin health. Persistent high levels of stress …

Is there a difference between male and female skincare products?

Men’s and women’s skins are known to differ in hormone metabolism, hair growth, sweat rate, sebum production, skin surface pH and other factors. Until the age of 50 years, men’s transepidermal water loss for example is significantly lower than that of women of the same age (ie the skin’s barrier function is better in men, which means men have less …

The 7 Skin Sins

If you care about how your skin looks now and in the future, make sure to not only use effective cosmeceutical skincare, but also lead a FuturApproved lifestyle. Your everyday lifestyle choices have a major impact on how well not only your skin, but your entire body will age. We all want to age well, so my top tip is …

Are electronic cleansing devices safe?

A good electronic facial cleansing device can be a very useful adjunct to cleansers – given that you are the right skin type and use it sensibly. There are clinical studies to confirm that the Clarisonic brush for example removes harmful pollution left-overs (which are of course contributing to premature skin ageing and various other skin problems!) from the skin …

Preventative anti-ageing – what’s the secret?

We all know that prevention is better than cure and it is of course true that the earlier you start using good skincare, including daily sun protection, the better the long-term outcome for your skin will be. I think most of you will agree with this and won’t even consider it news. However, while starting to use good skin care …