Keep Hydrated – How does keeping hydrated help our skin in the summer?

I am looking out of the window as we speak and it’s beautifully weather – finally the summer seems to have arrived. Keeping up a sufficient water intake during the warm summer months is important, to compensate for the higher rate of sweating, because you don’t want your body to become dehydrated. Water is also essential for the normal functioning …

Can exercise make acne worse? Or is it beneficial?

Exercise is of course highly beneficial for overall health. However, some acne patients report a flare-up (especially on back and chest, i.e. skin areas covered with clothing) after sweating. Of course everybody is different, but in any case make sure to wash your skin directly after exercise to remove sweat, dirt etc., which could further clog pores. A foaming (non-creamy, …

What is your TRUE age?

Each cell in your body contains a complete set of all our genetic information. The cells carry this genetic information, your DNA, in the form of chromosomes. Unfortunately every time a cell divides in our body, a small bit of DNA is lost from the end of each chromosome. That would be absolutely disastrous (deadly in fact!), if it weren’t …

Skin Infections Acquired in the Gym – Myth or Reality?

In theory it is possible to catch an infection in the gym, for example from bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus (staph.) lurking on gym equipment or yoga mats. Fortunately, the risk of acquiring such an infection is low. However, if you suffer with recurrent boils, it is worth re-thinking your gym routine. That includes making sure you shower immediately after …

Spots – To Squeeze or Not To Squeeze

Ideally you shouldn’t squeeze spots at home at all. If you do, you risk pressing acne bacteria into surrounding tissue and making the inflammation worse. You may even risk permanent scaring. When our medical aestheticians express spots in our dermatology clinic (as part of our medical grade acne facials), they have been specially trained by a dermatologist, and use a …