Today is World Eczema Day and with that in mind, I would like to say a few words about eczema in order to raise awareness for this common skin condition. But before we start, let’s just clarify that when I say ‘eczema’ I mean ‘atopic eczema’. There are of course many different types of eczema including: Atopic eczema, the most …
Why don’t you give up on physical exercise and age gracefully and naturally?
Over-the-counter skincare has come incredibly far in the past few years and is continuing to develop even further. Long gone are the days when skincare was just about cleansing and moisturising your skin. Good skincare can not only make skin look better, but also function better. Skincare has these four main functions: Protection (eg from sunlight, pollution and other environmental …
The best way to tackled post-lockdown HANDS!
If the constant handwashing and skin disinfection over the past months has taken its toll on your hands, leaving them dry, damaged and looking 10 years older, read on, as I have some important information for you. However, before I tell you about the solutions available, let’s talk about what exactly is happening to your hands right now. What …
Eudelo has gone virtual
First and foremost, we all here at Eudelo hope this finds you and your family and friends well. What an incredibly difficult time we life in. I still can’t believe how quickly Covid brought life as we know it to a standstill. We send you all our love from Eudelo and pledge to do whatever we can to keep …
FAQ – Why do I have more facial hair than other women and what can I do about it?
I often get asked this question in clinic. And the short answer is – there are multiple reasons why some women suffer with excess facial hair, for example above the upper lip, on the sides of the cheeks, or in the chin area. To start with, not all cases of more ‘generous’ facial hair have a pathological reason – some …