I often get asked this question in clinic. And the short answer is – there are multiple reasons why some women suffer with excess facial hair, for example above the upper lip, on the sides of the cheeks, or in the chin area. To start with, not all cases of more ‘generous’ facial hair have a pathological reason – some …
Party Season & The Skin 2019
– Dermatologist Top Tips by Dr Stefanie Williams We all dream of our skin looking picture perfect at Christmas, whether for the office party or for that special moment under the mistletoe. However, the reality of the non-stop party season – otherwise known as December – can take its toll on our skin. Increased consumption of alcohol and indulgent party …
Single Ingredient Skincare Products? No, thank you!
I am often asked by patients, journalists and colleagues what I think about all those single ingredient skincare products on the market. Unless you have been living on the moon, I am sure you will have noticed the seemingly never-ending release of skincare products containing a single ingredient at a defined, often comparably high concentration (e.g. 30% Vitamin C in …
White ‘freckles’ on my arms – what are they??
White ‘freckles’ on my arms – what are they?? At the end of the summer, you may have noticed tiny white spots on your forearms and maybe also your shins. These are called idiopathic #hypomelanosis guttate and are very common. In fact, they were likely already there before the summer, but often become more obvious with tanning). The white spots …
About tummy tightening and butt lifting creams – sense or nonsense?
We hear a lot about skincare for the face, but what about products for the body? With the summer in full swing and more body skin on show, let’s talk about body skincare. While the choice is still much bigger for facial skincare, body skincare products are getting better and have truly come a long way. People are no longer …