The Problem with the Beauty Counter

Unfortunately the beauty counter in a department store is not a reliable source of skin health information – and nor is the local chemist for that matter. I don’t know how many times I have had patients being advised to use a certain moisturiser at a beauty counter, as their skin was supposedly ‘dehydrated’, but in fact they were suffering …

How to Treat Excessive Sweating

The current hot weather feels great, but for many of us this might aggravate embarrassing problems of excessive sweating and body odour. There is a solution for this though! We have two types of sweat glands in our skin, so-called ‘eccrine glands’ and ‘apocrine glands’. Eccrine sweat glands are located all over our body and they produce a clear, odorless …

New Free Report: The Truth About Sun Protection

I am proud to announce the publication of our first free Skin Care Report! “The Truth About Sun Protection”. This report exposes some of the most commonly believed myths as to how people should best look after their skin. Shockingly, most people are completely unaware of the huge role the sun plays in ageing their skin, when this occurs (e.g. …

Nominated for Best Clinic in Aesthetic Awards 2012-2013

We are soooo thrilled to have reach the final of the Aesthetic Awards 2012-2013 as ‘Best Clinic’, ‘Practitioner of the Year’ AND ‘Best Customer Service’. Now it’s up to voting who wins and I would be really grateful, if you could help. Please vote for us in these three categories: – ‘Eudelo’ for ‘Best clinic’ – ‘Dr Stefanie Williams’ for …


Many women come and see me in my clinic with ‘breakouts’, thinking that these spots and pimples are acne. However, on examination and taking a thorough history, it often turns out that they don’t have acne, but rosacea. This is a chronic (i.e. persistent) skin condition that can look very similar to acne, but might need a different form of …