Are you a woman over sixty, interested in skincare and the management of the effects of skin ageing? The Centre for Fashion Science at London College of Fashion is currently researching the beauty of age, an increasingly important aspect of contemporary culture. The Centre is looking for female volunteers aged sixty and over. Researchers are interested in hearing from two …
Tackle pigmentation issues
Irregular pigmentation is a common concern for my patients. It can affect people of any ages, ethnicities and skin types, although darker complexions are more prone. Hyperpigmentation occurs when the skin produces too much pigment (melanin) – for example in response to UV exposure, hormonal fluctuations and inflammation (e.g. after acne). There are some effective treatments on the market such …
A perfect nose in your lunch break
Everybody now seems to know that you can soften lines and wrinkles with ‘botox’ and fillers, and that cheeks can be nicely augmented with injectable ‘volumisers’. One procedure that most people are still unaware of however is non-surgical nose-shaping – and yet the results are amazing and the procedure is very quick and uncomplicated. Non-surgical nose shaping is a relatively …
Looking Great In 2011
I am pleased to announce that on the 28. January I will be holding an exiting work-shop with two brilliant colleagues on how to look your best in 2011. This will take place in our Chelsea Bridge Clinic. Places are filling up quickly, so to book your place call: Tel. 020 7118 9500 Looking great in 2011 featuring presentations with …
Are you feeling the seasonal itch?
Have you noticed over the past week or so that your skin seems drier? You’re not the only one. Dry skin is an extremely common complaint that affects up to 40% of us. Interestingly, the paler your skin, the drier it’s likely to be although science hasn’t yet discovered precisely why. I’m sure you’ve already guessed that the changing weather …